A day on - not a day off! Four Opportunities to Serve
Option 1: Volunteer Breakfast Time at Courtney McGinnis Shelter - 7 AM - 9 AM (CANCELLED)
Option 2: MLK Walk (Monitor stuffed animal donation drop-off) - 9 AM - 12PM
Shakinah Glory 7th Day Adventist Church
803 Oakland Ave
Florence, SC
Breakfast at 9 - Lineup at 9:45
Stuffed animals can be dropped at:
Shakinah Glory 7th Day Adventist Church (9 - 10 AM)
803 Oakland Ave
Florence, SC
Francis Marion Performing Arts Center (11AM - 12PM)
201 S Dargan St
Florence, SC
Option 3: Pee Dee CAP Emergency Shelter (Stuffed Animal Drop-off) - 1PM
Option 4: Volunteer Dinner at the SHEREC of New Ebenezer - 3PM - 6PM
10 sorors volunteer for 75 minute shifts
- 3-4:15 PM
- 4-5:15 PM
- 5-6:15 PM